Starting along the paved Bear Creek Trail.After a short distance, we crossed a storm drain.We picked up a use trail leading into the drainage between Coyote Benchmark and Indio Mountain.View back toward La Quinta. Tanner brimming with stoke.Approaching the base of Coyote Benchmark.Departing the use trail for spur ridge ahead.Class 2.The ridge steepens.Making progress. Peak 1601, a P1K, is visible on the opposite side of the suburb of La Quinta.Some rugged terrain ahead.It was easiest to stay directly on the ridgeline.Approaching the crux of the climb: a class 3 crack up the large, protruding boulder on the right.But first, a quick photo op.Tanner completing a short downclimb on the way to the crux.Close-up of the crux. The route zags left toward the center of the photo, then right up the slab.Tanner making his way up the crux. Airy, but a crack makes for some solid handholds.Past the crux, a respite from the scrambling.Coyote Benchmark still looms.The start of a short section of downclimbing.Looking back at a sheer, 20-foot cliff that we bypassed to the climber's left. Our route enters from the right of the base of the cliff in this photo.The terrain eases a bit. The cliff can be seen in the distance.The summit is looking a lot closer now.Looking north toward Indio Mountain. This would be our descent route.Staying below the ridge as we approach the summit.Nearing the summit.A look back at the final ridge section.From the summit, view northwest toward Palm Springs.View south. Martinez Mountain and Toro Peak visible on the horizon.Starting our descent.View of north ridge toward the saddle.Steep inital descent.To avoid more difficult terrain, we stayed below the crest of the ridge to the left (west).Looking back at Coyote Benchmark.Clear view of Indio Mountain ahead.Arriving at the saddle.View northwest toward the snow-capped San Jacinto and San Gorgonio Mountains.A social trail appears.Descending the canyon on the way back to town.View back toward the saddle.Home free.