Trail sign at near Onion Valley Campground. My route starts along Kearsarge Pass Trail and returns along Robinson Lake Trail.View back toward Onion Valley Campground.Entering the John Muir Wilderness.The trail cuts through a talus field. University Peak is visible on the top left.Passing Gilbert Lake (partially in frame, left).Leaving Kearsarge Pass Trail for Matlock Lake Trail. Shortly ahead, a use trail for Bench Lake branches off on the right.View back from a switchback along the use trail to Bench Lake.The use trail disappears as the route contours this slope.View back.Approaching Bench Lake (hidden behind the trees on the right). The route continues up the ridge, left of center.View toward Matlock Lake.Some fun, Class 2 slabs.View back down the slabs toward Bench Lake (left), Matlock Lake (right of center), and Slim Lake (right).Arriving at an unnamed lake at 11,400 feet.Passing the unnamed lake toward the base of University Peak's north slope (left).View back toward the unnamed lake as I start up the north slope.Loose, Class 2.University Peak's summit comes into view on the far right.Entering a minor chute with some Class 3 obstacle.Veering right to avoid some Class 3/4 terrain.Approaching University Peak's east ridge.Gaining the ridge. View southeast toward University Pass.View north.Starting the traverse along the University Peak's northeast ridge.Easy Class 2 along the ridge. From here, the route contours the north slope (to the climber's right), bypassing a false summit.Contouring the north slope.The route heads through the small notch, right of center. The summit is just past the notch.View back from below the notch.University Peak summit. View south into Kings Canyon National Park.View north toward Mount Gould (left) and Kearsarge Peak (right).View northwest toward Kearsarge Lakes.Dropping off the south side of University Peak.Descending University Peak's southeast ridge toward University Pass.Contouring the sandy slopes below the ridge crest. Spectacular views into Center Basin.View south.Approaching PhD Peak, which lies on the opposite side of University Pass.View back at a tricky, Class 2 section before reaching University Pass.Dropping down to University Pass.Starting up PhD Peak's west slope.View back. University Pass is on the far right.Short Class 3 section along the ridgeline.Somewhat exposed Class 3 summit block.PhD Peak summit. View south.View northeast down the gnarly ridgeline toward Independence Peak.View back toward University Peak's east face.After backtracking to University Pass, starting the descent down a steep slope toward Robinson Lake.View toward University Peak.View back up the slope.The slope lets out at this sandy basin.From the basin, view back toward University Pass.Continuing toward Robinson Lake.A flat, boulder-hopping section.View back.Independence Creek.View back as the route follows Independence Creek.Descending this slope toward Robinson Lake, visible below.View back up the colorful slope.Robinson Lake. My route enters from the right.Joining the Robinson Lake Trail.Descending into Onion Valley.Final stretch along the Robinson Trail toward Onion Valley Campground.