Five Fingers

Owens Peak Wilderness, CA


Distance1.8 mi
Elevation gain1,700 ft
Route typeOut & back
Duration2 hr
CruxClass 3

Peaks bagged

Five Fingers(HPS, HPS★)5,174 ft / Prom. 734 ft

HPSHundred Peaks SectionHPS★Hundred Peaks Section Star Peaks


From the parking area, looking up the steep southwest slope. The five so-called "fingers", or pinnacles, that comprise this distinct mountain are apparent.
Following a faint use-trail.
Looking back. I parked in the dirt pullout below.
The slope was sandy, which slowed progress.
Aiming for this notch between two of the fingers.
Some boulder-hopping.
Looking back.
At the notch, view northwest.
Keeping left.
Looking back at the notch.
After some class 2 side-hilling, I arrived at the base of Five Finger's highest pinnacle.
Starting the final ascent.
Class 3 crux. Footsteps have been carved into the rock, making it easier than it looks.
Above the crux, looking down.
Five Fingers summit. View southeast.
View northwest toward Owens Peak.

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