Independence Peak

John Muir Wilderness, CA


Distance4.2 mi
Elevation gain2,600 ft
Route typeLoop
Duration3.5 hr
CruxClass 3

Peaks bagged

Independence Peak(SPS)11,742 ft / Prom. 358 ft

SPSSierra Peaks Section


From Kearsarge Pass Trailhead, taking the road past Onion Valley Campground to Robinson Lake Trailhead. Independence Peak looms on the left.
Robinson Lake Trailhead.
View back toward the parking lot from the start of Robinson Lake Trail.
Along Robinson Lake Trail.
View back down Independence Creek. Kearsarge Peak is on the right.
Approaching Robinson Lake.
Robinson Lake.
Starting up the east slope of Independence Peak at the end of Robinson Lake Trail.
View back toward Robinson Lake.
Veering north as I ascend the east slope. Some optional Class 3.
View back toward University Peak.
Gaining the ridge crest. View south. Mount Bradley is on the left, University Peak on the right.
Upcoming ridgeline to the north. The summit is out of view.
Another view back at the stunning landscape.
The ridge crest starts out Class 2.
Quickly getting into some fun Class 3.
View back.
More Class 3 business.
At these sharp slabs, I crossed over to the west side of the ridge.
Easy Class 2 bypass along the west slope.
View back along the bypass.
Final scramble to the summit.
Independence Peak summit block.
View south.
View north. Dragon Peak and Mount Gould, tomorrow's objectives, are visible on the center horizon.
Beginning my descent of the east slope along a more northerly line.
Some Class 3 downclimbing.
View back toward the ridge.
Entering a scree chute.
View back up the scree chute.
Back on Robinson Lake Trail.
Smoke from a couple of forest fires outside Fresno spilling into Onion Valley.

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