Temescal Peak

Topanga State Park, CA


Distance6.9 mi
Elevation gain1,400 ft
Route typeOut & back
Duration2 hr
CruxClass 1

Peaks bagged

Green Peak1,946 ft / Prom. 103 ft

Temescal Peak(LPC)2,130 ft / Prom. 628 ft

LPCLower Peaks Committee


Trailer Canyon Trailhead.
View back along Trailer Canyon Road.
From the road, view into Santa Ynez Canyon.
Continuing up the road, Temescal Ridge comes into view.
Making a sharp right turn onto Temescal Ridge Trail toward Green Peak, ahead.
Heading up a steep singletrack to the summit of Green Peak.
Green Peak summit.
Descending Green Peak, view toward Temescal Peak. The route follows the Temescal Ridge Trail, popular among trail runners and mountain bikers.
Approaching Temescal Peak.
Leaving Temescal Ridge Trail (left) for this use trail that leads to the summit of Temescal Peak.
View back.
Temescal Peak summit. View north.
View east toward Los Angeles.
View north, the way I came.
View east into Topanga State Park. Eagle Rock is on the right.
Back on the Temescal Ridge Trail, taking a ridge shortcut to Trailer Canyon Road, shaving off about 2 miles on the return.
Knee-high brush along the use trail, including some patches of lupine flowers.
View back up the ridge.
Almost back at Trailer Canyon Road.

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