West Ord Mountain

Ord Mountain Route Network, CA


Distance3.3 mi
Elevation gain1,500 ft
Route typeOut & back
Duration1.5 hr
CruxClass 2

Peaks bagged

West Ord Mountain(Zdon)5,525 ft / Prom. 1,085 ft

ZdonAndy Zdon's Desert Summits


From State Route 247, I turned here onto a dirt road. After about 1.3 miles, I parked at a cattle guard and headed cross country up a gentle west spur of West Ord Mountain.

Starting at this cattle guard, headed up the slope on the right.
View back toward the dirt road.
Contouring toward a small saddle.
Continuing up the spur. West Ord Mountain is on the right.
View back.
Reaching a plateau below the summit.
View back.
Contouring right.
West Ord Mountain summit on the right.
West Ord Mountain summit. View south.
View north, the way I came.
View east toward Ord Mountain (left) and East Ord Mountain (right), both climbed earlier in the day.

Nearby trips

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