Asbestos Mountain

Santa Rosa and San Jacinto Mountains National Monument, CA


Distance1.8 mi
Elevation gain800 ft
Route typeOut & back
Duration1 hr
CruxClass 3

Peaks bagged

Asbestos Mountain(HPS)5,265 ft / Prom. 1,265 ft

HPSHundred Peaks Section


From the 4x4 trailhead, heading cross-country toward Asbestos Mountain.
Aiming for the gully center-frame.
Prickly plants everywhere.
Picking up a use-trail in the gully.
Looking back.
Exiting the gully.
Following a set of cairns through the bushes.
Another look back.
The use-trail veers to the left of the large outcrop ahead.
Asbestos Mountain's summit ahead.
From the south, it's a fun class 3 scramble to the high point.
Navigating around some large boulders.
Summit block.
Asbestos Mountain summit. View southwest.
View northwest toward San Jacinto Peak.
View south toward Toro Peak.

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