Tri Peaks via Boney Ridge

Point Mugu State Park, CA


Distance9.8 mi
Elevation gain3,300 ft
Route typeLoop
Duration4 hr
CruxClass 4

Peaks bagged

Hill Benchmark1,918 ft

Tri Peaks(LPC)3,040 ft / Prom. 313 ft

Pop Top2,974 ft

LPCLower Peaks Committee


Starting along the Wendy Trail.
Creek crossing shortly after leaving the trailhead.
View back toward the town of Thousand Oaks.
Boney Ridge catching the morning light.
Descending 200 feet into the canyon below via Old Cabin Trail.
Creek crossing at the bottom of the canyon.
Short detour along the Waterfall Trail.
The trail follows the creek for 0.1 miles as it bends right.
The trail ends at this waterfall.
Returning to Old Cabin Trail, which climbs out of the canyon via a set of switchbacks.
View back along Old Cabin Trail as it switchbacks up a northern slope.
Boney Ridge ahead.
Turning right onto Old Boney Trail.
Leaving Old Boney Trail for the use trail on the left.
Hill Benchmark, view south toward Boney Ridge.
Dropping into a minor saddle below Hill Benchmark.
Class 2 along Boney Ridge.
View back toward Hill Benchmark.
A use trail cuts through the chaparral from one outcrop to another.
Another view back from a notch.
The route weaves through the pinnacles ahead.
Crawling through a steep, eroded channel with low-hanging branches.
View back. The trail emerges from the leftmost pinnacle ahead.
Contouring a slope toward the small prominence on the left (marked as "Pop Top" on Peakbagger).
View back.
Topping out on Boney Ridge. Tri Peaks, my main objective, is on the left.
A confusing network of use trails wraps around the base of Tri Peaks.
View back toward Big Dome, a LPC peak.
Leaving the trail for small chute, which leads to the summit block of Tri Peaks.
The northeast side of the Tri Peaks summit block. It consists of about 20 feet of Class 4 climbing on quality rock with ample pockets. I swapped out my trail runners for rock climbing shoes, although it may be overkill for the less risk adverse.
Another shot about half way up the summit block. From here, I traversed slightly to the right before continuing up.
Tri Peaks summit. View northeast. Big Dome is on the left. Sandstone Peak, the range's high point, is on the right.
View southeast of the basin below Sandstone Peak.
View southwest toward the Pacific Ocean.
View north, the way I came.
Returning to the saddle between Tri Peaks and Pop Top, shown here.
Pop Top summit. View northeast.
View back toward Tri Peaks.
Descending the other side of Pop Top to rejoin the Old Cabin Trail.
Back on the Old Cabin Trail.
Portions of Old Cabin Trail are heavily eroded.
View back at a pretty wooded section.
Cabin ruins.
Looking back toward Boney Ridge.
Almost back at the junction with Old Boney Trail.

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