Hawks Peak and Mount Pickens

Angeles National Forest, CA


Distance8.2 mi
Elevation gain2,300 ft
Route typeOut & back
Duration3 hr
CruxClass 1

Peaks bagged

Hawks Peak3,726 ft / Prom. 46 ft

Point 37913,791 ft

Mount Pickens4,223 ft / Prom. 183 ft

Bee Flat3,256 ft


The route starts from the Angeles Crest Fire Station.
Mount Lukens Truck Trail.
There are numerous switchbacks along the road.
At 2.7 miles, I left the road and started up the firebreak toward Hawks Peak.
Brushy, but can be avoided for the most part.
Looking back. The town of Altadena is below.
Hawks Peak summit
Hawks Peak summit.
Summit cairn and register.
View northeast toward Point 3791. Mount Pickens is the taller peak right behind it.
Short climb to Point 3791.
Looking back at Hawks Peak.
Point 3791 summit
Point 3791 summit.
Starting my descent.
Following the ridge.
Back at Mount Lukens Truck Trail.
Start of the firebreak toward Mount Pickens.
Some bushwhacking near the start of the ridge.
About halfway up, looking back.
The ridge flattens out for a short stretch before rising the last 200 feet to the summit.
Topping out at a false summit. The high point of Mount Pickens lies a few hundred feet ahead.
Mount Pickens summit
Mount Pickens summit.
View southeast.
After retracing my steps down the firebreak, I returned along Mount Lukens Truck Trail.
Landslide blocking the road.
From Mount Lukens Truck Trail, I turned right onto this dirt road heading toward Bee Flat.
A teepee marks the high point of Bee Flat. This is a popular hiking destination for locals.
Taking a shortcut through a meadow to reconnect with Mount Lukens Truck Trail.
Looking back at Bee Flat shortly before rejoining Mount Lukens Truck Trail.

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