Strawberry Peak Loop

Angeles National Forest, CA


Distance11.6 mi
Elevation gain3,600 ft
Route typeLoop
Duration4 hr
CruxClass 3

Peaks bagged

Strawberry Peak(HPS, HPS★)6,165 ft / Prom. 1,563 ft

HPSHundred Peaks SectionHPS★Hundred Peaks Section Star Peaks


Colby Canyon Trailhead.
Along Colby Canyon Trail.
The trail crosses the creek a few times.
Strawberry Peak pokes into view.
Ascending Colby Canyon.
From a switchback, view down Colby Canyon toward the trailhead.
Exiting the canyon, the trail climbs to Josephine Saddle on the left.
View back at Josephine Saddle from the start of Strawberry Peak's west ridge. The turnoff from Colby Canyon Trail is easy to miss.
A rocky prominence along Strawberry Peak's west ridge.
Class 2.
View back toward Josephine Saddle.
Continuing along the ridge.
View of the route to Strawberry Peak (right) from a small bump along the ridge.
A trail cuts through the brush. Only slightly overgrown.
View back at my progress along the ridge.
Getting closer.
The route drops down and crosses the talus field below.
The mountaineer's route works it's way up Strawberry Peak's west face.
Start of the mountaineer's route.
Mostly Class 2, with some optional Class 3.
View back down the mountaineer's route.
Done with the scrambling, Strawberry Peak's summit is ahead.
Strawberry Peak summit. View east.
View back toward the Strawberry Peak's summit as I start my descent via Strawberry Peak Trail.
Great views to the south/southeast.
Descending to Lawlor Saddle on the right.
The trail climbs over this bump on the way to the saddle.
From the bump, view back toward Strawberry Peak.
Arriving at Lawlor Saddle. From here, I took a sharp left onto Strawberry Peak Trail, which wraps around the north side of the mountain.
Along Strawberry Peak Trail.
The trail offers some shade.
View back toward Lawlor Saddle.
Descending to the junction with Colby Canyon Trail. Strawberry Meadows is below on the left.
Leaving Strawberry Peak Trail for Colby Canyon Trail, which travels through Strawberry Meadows.
Entering Strawberry Meadows.
The trail switchbacks to the upper reaches of the meadows.
Upper Strawberry Meadows.
View back at the impressive north face of Strawberry Peak.
From the trail, view back toward Strawberry Meadows.
Almost back at Josephine Saddle, center.

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