Mount Lukens Loop

Angeles National Forest, CA


Distance10.1 mi
Elevation gain2,800 ft
Route typeLoop
Duration3.5 hr
CruxClass 1

Peaks bagged

Mount Lukens(HPS, HPS★)5,076 ft / Prom. 1,776 ft

HPSHundred Peaks SectionHPS★Hundred Peaks Section Star Peaks


Starting along this paved path from the Deukmejian Trailhead.
Following the Dunsmore Canyon Trail for a short distance.
Joining the Crescenta View Trail on the right.
Climbing out of Dunsmore Canyon.
From Cresecenta View Trail, view south toward Los Angeles.
Eroded section of trail.
The trail flattens out as it gains the southern spur ridge of Mount Lukens.
View southeast toward Mount Wilson.
Approaching Silver Saddle.
Hiking along Mount Lukens Road.
First of many radio towers that occupy Mount Luken's summit. Stay right.
Mount Lukens summit on the left.
Mount Lukens summit. View south.
View east.
Following a use trail down Mount Lukens west ridge to connect with Haines Canyon Road.
Descending Haines Canyon Road.
View back toward Mount Lukens.
Joining the Rim of the Valley Trail.
View back.
The trail makes many switchbacks down the slope.
Dropping into Cooks Canyon, below.
Inside Cooks Canyon.
Creek crossing.
Returning to the trailhead along Le Mesnager Loop Trail.

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